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Engaging Sacred Stories
& Traditions

Maturing in effective proclamation and preaching.


I have been fortunate to have many opportunities over many years to preach at a diverse spectrum of churches, theologically and in size. In recent years this has guided me in developing a distinct style and methodology for my preaching. I use an outline of my key points and elaborate from there. I have found this to be a way to be open to the Holy Spirit's guidance in sharing what the congregation needs to hear. I also find it a powerful way to make a connection with all in the space by being able to make and maintain eye contact so that the message is personal and engaging.  

In nearly 40 years of ordained ministry my Dad has never missed a Sunday due to illness. However, the summer between my high school graduation and my Freshmen year of college, there was a knock on my bedroom door at 6:30am and my Dad needed my help. He handed me his sermon and I went out to our church and led both worship services. When members of my home church thanked me for stepping in many also shared that they saw me as called to be a pastor. 

Special Experiences 

  • In the Southwest Conference I had the honor of guest preaching at churches across our conference in which I shared about our ASU campus ministry

  • At North Community Church I preach and lead worship every week and have the joy of serving alongside our wonderful Deacons and musicians

  • I have guest preached and led worship at a wide spectrum of UCC and UMC congregations in California, Arizona, and Missouri, which has prepared me for pastoral ministry with churches of different sizes and with different traditions

  • I was a State Champion in Public Speaking my Freshman year of high school through the Future Business Leaders of America


Guest preaching at First UMC in Lompoc


Telling a story with my stole that was lovingly made for me by Desert Palm UCC


Preaching at my high school baccalaureate worship service


Speaking at a rally demanding full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the United Methodist Church

A very pretty evening on campus!.jpeg

Bringing life to sacred stories and traditions in worship, proclamation, and witness.

Daily time focused on the worship for the upcoming Sunday is the heart of my personal spiritual practices. I am also thankful for the meaningful time spent with laity who have a passion for helping plan and lead worship. It is incredible what God can do with each spiritual gift and piece of truth we bring to a time of prayer and worship.  

(Exhibiting knowledge, understanding, and continuing study of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament).

My Undergraduate major was in Philosophy with additional advanced study in Creative Writing, English, and Religion which helps me with sermon preparation and creation.

Rockhurst University where I majored in Philosophy and took advanced coursework in the history of the Christian Church
(Understanding the history of the Christian Church, from biblical times forward)

History wall I created in the Narthex of Christ Church by the Sea to celebrate the history of our local congregation as we visioned together for our future 

I write to express my strong and unwavering support of Andrew as he goes through the member in discernment process for the United Church of Christ. As a member of Desert Palm United Church of Christ, I have had the opportunity to listen and learn from Andrew when he preached to the congregation (before the pandemic) and this past year through our virtual services. I greatly appreciate Andrew’s messages – they help me feel very spiritually grounded. He’s relevant, not “preachy” and emanates positivity in all in words and deeds.


I’ve also have had the chance to work with Andrew on the ASU Campus Ministry committee this past year. I have been so impressed by what he has been able to accomplish to date, especially when the pandemic has greatly restricted on-campus gatherings and activities. This initiative is rather daunting, yet Andrew has demonstrated great skill in navigating the administration of ASU, the Council of Religious Advisors, the Southwest Conference, and the local church to start the ministry. He builds bridges and finds talented contributors and is demonstrating strong administrative skills in addition to the substantive responsibilities required in a campus ministry. His energy and forward looking mindset do not seem to know any bounds. The students that are joining the campus ministry and staying and participating. He will be a terrifically successful pastor in whatever pastoral setting he chooses.      


Cindy Jewett, J.D.

Member of Desert Palm Campus Ministry Committee


A time of worship and meditation I created and led for the leadership retreat at First Congregational Church of Long Beach

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The annual Easter Sunrise worship service at Christ Church by the Sea I helped organize and promote


Combined church worship I organized for United Methodist youth from across Orange County

Leading faith formation effectively across generations.

My calling is grounded in the ministry of the local church and is boldly intergenerational. I have served in ministry across the spectrum of ages and generations including youth faith formation programs, children's Sunday school, theological studies for senior adults, campus ministry, young adult small groups, and intentionally intergenerational worship.  


Hosting a game night for children and their families at North Community Church


"Is this thing on?" leading the worship at Vacation Bible School at First UMC of Pasadena


Guiding students from the University of California, Irvine on our campus ministry trip to Yosemite and Mammoth Mountain

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Community UMC of Huntington Beach Youth Room that I designed and managed the renovation of


Desert Palm youth and I visiting First Congregational Church of Flagstaff


Seniors participating in our Mission Newport Sunday I helped organize at Christ Church by the Sea in Newport Beach

Holding the Holy with with integrity especially as represented in the Sacraments.

My freshman year of college was at St. Olaf College in Minnesota. I was fortunate to be hired on to work as the Sacristan for the college chapel, which hosted worship every day. Since St. Olaf is an ELCA college they observe communion every Sunday. As the Sacristan I organized all the sacraments in the life of the church. It was a joy and honor to organize and lead the most sacred and traditional aspects of worship.

In my own faith life I am very drawn to the traditional expressions of worship and am eager to share these traditions, especially with rising generations. I find this to be an exciting time to offer traditions in an inclusive way as many people in the church and outside the church alike have not experienced them. Our inclusivity, theology, and our worship are inspiring and refreshing to many.


St. Olaf College chapel 

I believe Andrew Ponder Williams represents the future for American churches. He is young, enthusiastic and, as the Administrative team of our church appreciated, is wonderfully creative in outreach and technical skills. He has spoken from the pulpit and is definitely a Pastor in the making. He and his husband will provide an opening for many who have been kept away from our church doors. I would love to attend a church where he is the Pastor.

Lynne Lightner (age 81)

Christ Church By The Sea

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